1 out of 1
sru:version: 1.2 ; sru:query: xmlid==b_001 ; fcsm:x-context: aeb_eng_001__v001 ; fcsm:x-dataview: title,full ; sru:startRecord: 1 ; sru:maximumRecords: 1 ; sru:baseUrl: http://production-auto-deploy.old-tunico-cs:5000/modules/mysqlonsru/GlossaryOnSR ; fcsm:returnedRecords: 1 ; fcsm:numberOfMatches: ; fcsm:duration: 0.0 ; fcsm:transformedQuery: SELECT sid, entry, id, 1 FROM aeb_eng_001__v001 WHERE sid='b_001' ;
1 - 1
b- bi- bī-
with, through, by, by means of, provided with mit, durch, mittels, versehen mit avec, par, au moyen de
Ritt-Benmimoun 2014Singer 1984, p. 623K. Moerth, I. Dallaji, I. Gabsi, S. Procházka
(a)š + bī- + pronSuffix
what is the matter with...?; why was ist mit...?; warum qu’est ce qu’il y a?; pourquoi
[fr] šbīkum wāqfīn hūni? Ritt-Benmimoun 2014 Why are you standing here? Warum steht ihr hier?
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